Benefits of Tiryana Tadasana (Swaying Palm Tree Pose)

(Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes)
  • Swaying palm tree pose strengthens the oblique muscles, toningthem and removing love handles. It engages the hard-to-reach muscles thatcover the rib cage.
  • It adds overall balance to your core, improving the stabilityof your posture. It also stretches the spine, relieving minor back injuries suchas slipped disc.
  • It also stimulates digestion and relieves constipation.Once you have stability and flexibility with this posture, you can try doingit while standing on your toes as in tadasana.

How to do this

  1. Stand with your feet about two feet apart.
  2. With your arms lowered,interlock your fingers and turn the palms outward.
  3. As you inhale, raise thearms above your head, as in tadasana.
  4. Then exhale and bend the body to theleft without twisting your abdomen or moving forward or backward.
  5. Hold thebreath for a few seconds without inhaling.
  6. Then, as you straighten out andresume the upright position, breathe in again.
  7. Now repeat the bending movement, only this time bend the body to the rightside while exhaling.
  8. Again hold that position for a few seconds withoutbreathing in.
  9. Then inhale again as you resume a straightened position.
  10. Finally,exhale as you lower your arms again. Rest for a moment.
  11. Then perform severalmore rounds, as many as five to ten in total.
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