Benefits of Skandha Chakra (Shoulder Rotation)

(Reading time: 1 minute)
  • In addition to relieving common shoulder tension, this movementopens up the shoulders and straightens them, correcting the common slumped,rounded, or slouched posture many people carry.

 How to do this

  1. The next area to target is the shoulders, another common problem area dueto stress, bad posture from a desk job, and so on.
  2. Sit as you did before duringthe neck rotation.Keep your back straight throughout this exercise.
  3. Touch your shoulderswith your fingers.
  4. Then rotate both arms. Bring the elbows around in a bigcircle. In the upstroke, try to touch your elbows to each other. On thedownstroke, allow the backs of your hands to brush your ears.
  5. Breathe in whenmoving up and out when moving down.Do this seven times, then reverse direction, repeating seven times more.
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