Benefits of Ekapada Pranamasana (One-Legged Prayer Pose)

(Reading time: 1 minute)
  • Strengthens and tones the leg muscles. Stretches the groin and innerthighs.
  • Helps to improve your sense of balance.
  • This pose also encouragesenergetic harmony between the channels on either side of your body.

How to do this

  1. Stand straight with your legs together and your arms hanging loosely.
  2. Bendyour right knee and grasp the ankle with your right hand. Tuck the sole of yourfoot on the inside of the left thigh.
  3. Bring your heel close to your perineum.
  4. Do this slowly, and make sure you have your balance before you proceed.
  5. Bring your hands in front of your just in anjali mudra, the gesture of prayer.
  6. Hold that position for a minute or two – or for as long as you can keep yourbalance.
  7. Then relax, bring your right foot to the floor, and do it again with the left footthis time.
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